IEEE Virtual Career and Talent Expo

Be a part of the first ever IEEE Virtual Career and Talent Expo hosted by Region 6 June 2015 with LIVE recruiting days June 10, 11 and 12. The online event opens June 1-9 for preparation and will be available through June 30. Registration is FREE to all IEEE members and non-members pay $125.00. This Expo is highly recommended to those who desire to plan that next career move and get ahead in life. This event provides the opportunity for your talents to be recognized and aligned to the perfect job!

Conveniently attend the Virtual Career and Talent Expo from anywhere. Join us online to connect to thousands of job opportunities, grow your professional network and access world-class resources for career development. Hear keynotes from industry experts, attend live webinars, and join in the fun for prizes and giveaways.

To create an event for the brightest and biggest professional organization in the world, we knew it had to be innovative and different and so we partnered with the best in both the virtual and assessment technologies.

“We are excited to have our members attend to learn and grow in their profession. We think we are onto something big by incorporating assessment driven data for real job matching: we are changing the way people look for jobs and the way businesses recruit, hire, onboard and develop. It’s important for all our members to participate in the event as an excellent IEEE benefit” – Thomas Coughlin, Director of IEEE Region 6.

All participants are encouraged to complete a FREE online personal skills and talent assessment. Your personal results can be shared at the event to market your unique abilities as well as potentially be matched to that dream job and get referred to industry-leading companies through data-driven searches.

The FREE personal skills and talent assessment measures skills, passions and interests. Participants will receive a 23-page talent report that provides 7 distinct advantages in career development and in your job search. Those advantages include: self-awareness, personal branding, 30-second commercial, resume writing, cover letter, interview skills and the potential to be matched to jobs.

The assessment partner, Target Training International’s (TTI), patented assessment process is validated by research and utilized by over 100,000 companies in 90 countries. They have assisted more than 22 million people in the area of personal development and self-discovery!

Mike Andrews, past director of IEEE Region 6, states, “The use of this talent profile coupled with the strength of a candidate’s resume will enable an ideal match of a company and candidate. Only until you discover your talents and become aware of the possibilities within, can you point yourself in the right direction for success.”

Beginning June 1 – 9 the Career and Talent Expo will host professional development presentations centered around the talent profile to attendees on the virtual platform. Sessions will have relevant and informative keynote speakers providing important industry, career and technical guidance to help participants make important decisions.

June 10 – 12 attend the “live” event. Participants can talk with recruiters and company representatives in their booths. Prospective employers can conduct interviews with candidates via video and live chat features and schedule next steps. Recruiters will be available 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. PDT.

June 13 – 30 participants can select the virtual booth of the employers in which they are interested, upload their resumes and watch company video presentations about work culture, benefits and search job opportunities and conduct any follow up from the live days.

Employers have a choice of three (3) Sponsorship Packages and can exhibit in 14 halls themed with unique career disciplines aligned with the IEEE:

  1. A Gold Recruiting Package – Provides classic recruiting with the added benefit of participants sharing the personal skills talent report to market their personal talents.
  2. A Platinum Job Matching Package – Includes skill-based assessments to provide the alignment of people to jobs and determine success probability.
  3. A Titanium Co-Branding and Job Matching Package – Expands on the Job Matching option and increases the corporation visibility to a higher relationship level.

Knowing your talents and applying job matching is the key to success. Having the talent information and job matching service available in the virtual space makes connecting people with jobs as easy as 1-2-3.

We are excited to see you at this inaugural event! Be sure to connect with us through social media to stay current on latest news and announcements. To connect and register please go to