Our Section Summer Mixer broke attendance records!

Close to 100 IEEE members, friends, and new faces came to the CLU Huddle Entrepreneurship Center to participate in the Buenaventura Ventura Summer Mixer. With appetizers and a meal grilled on site by Nana’s Kitchen, the event took rapidly a festive atmosphere . Mike Panasi, CLU host of the event welcomed everyone, Bridge Carney and Nathalie Gosset talked about what our Section does for the community and invited everyone to continue attending our events and offer help as a volunteer.  Zak Cohen, the event EMCEE, presented a humorous overview of how long it takes to go around the world whether you are a human or an electron or a piece of data. Meredith Jacobsen from Login mastered minded the catering and generously donated the Night out Basket for 2 raffled gift.